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De Dee Johnson

Divine Energy Healing
Star Magic Light Frequency Facilitator
Access Consciousness BARs/Body Process Facilitator
Consciously Creating Your Best Life with De Dee
Holistic Health Practitioner (Bio-Energetics)

Representative for:
Avini Health - Helps remove heavy metals, toxins and other substances from the body; supports a healthy immune system; and helps balance pH levels in the body
LifeWave X39® Stem Cell Patches - Advanced Activation Technology Patches
Healy - Individualized Micro-current Frequency programs to harmonize your Bio-energetic Field
Cili By Design - Aquaceutical Cellular Nutrition Technology
The Root Brands - support your body to detox, cleanse, focus and relax – simply and naturally

As Spiritual Adventurers walking a Mystical path, this IS the moment we have been preparing for. As the structures of the 3D world come apart on a global and personal level, we can no longer depend on the logical and rational ideals of what is known. We feel it into our core, that it is only by tapping into the realm of the Spiritual and Esoteric unknown, and the Wisdom that lies there … that we will find our way through this potent moment.

For a Mystic, one trained in the realm of Consciousness and direct engagement with Source energy, THIS is a time of limitless potential and opportunity. It is a moment that can shape a Quantum Leap in Evolution. If we KNOW how to use it.


Meet De Dee...

whole body wellness plan, health, healing, awareness, wellness, self help, clearing statements, bioenergetics, natural healing, energy worker, access consciousness, access consciousness bars, infoceuticals, NES Health system

When I was growing up, I wanted to change the world, and I realized that simply going through the educational system and then looking for any old job was not going to cut it for me. I started to ask myself what I could do to help people, which is why I started using my spiritual gifts of intuitive energetic healing and eventually found my way when I opened my business, Top Notch Wellness. I just wanted to have an impact in some way, shape, or form.

I have studied many modalities and have been an energy healer for over twenty years. I began using many different tools, processes and frequencies in my healing practice and miracles are showing up for my clients. How does it get any better than that? What are the infinite possibilities for us all to become more of who we truly are? Do you realize you are an Infinite Being with power and potency?

I continue taking classes because it works for me and I love the authentic people I meet and interact with in the classes. My life is more exciting, expansive and fun. Every morning I wake up with a smile on my face asking "What grand and glorious adventure am I going to have today?" My life is changing rapidly and I love it.

We spend our entire lives going to school, going to work, and providing for ourselves, to the point where we have neglected our hearts and what really makes them sing. Along the way, we are told how the world is, how it works, what to do, how to be, and what is ‘normal.’ This has put many people in the position of being concerned with what others think of them. We develop a need for acceptance and constant approval. As a result of this need, in combination with the realities of the daily grind, we neglect to nourish our souls, which is why so many of us feel down, and depressed. It is why we continue, subconsciously, to harm our bodies with toxic substances (smoking, drinking, drugs etc.), not even realizing why we engage in the same old habits. I believe it’s because we are hurting, it’s because we are not taught to follow our passions and take risks, it’s because we are told the world is a certain way and we have to play by those rules. I believe it’s because our souls (as a collective) are not resonating with the current human experience that we’ve created for ourselves.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be afraid. If you want to create some sort of change and have an impact on people, and your heart won’t take no for an answer, then you will probably embark on a very interesting journey. We cannot continue to bask in our comfort zones. Life is short, so don’t be afraid to break free of the mold and take risks. Follow your heart and enjoy the journey, because there is always a step you can take, no matter how small you perceive it to be.

I offer practical tools that will help you let go of your resistance and move forward into where you are meant to be in your life.  I am available for private sessions, on-site or remote (long-distance) with my healing practice.  I live in Montana and may be willing to travel to your location for classes and seminars depending on my schedule.

I INVITE YOU TO COME PLAY AND DISCOVER HOW POTENT AND POWERFUL YOU ARE. Is now the time for you to drop the self-sabotage and the smallness of you and step into your greatest potency? The world is waiting for you!!

I look forward to meeting and playing with you. Come experience the possibilities that lie within YOU!!!!

Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself.

Every bio-field, every person, is perfectly unique. 
A whole body wellness plan takes into account your whole being:
your spiritual self, emotional self, physical self and your bio-field that's controlling it all.

Over the last 30 years, scientists have discovered a sub-cellular level in our bodies that holds the key to every aspect of our well being. This "bio-field" is where your body transmits energy and information. This information is made through our emotions, our feelings, our surroundings and our physical being. Your bio-field is the control center for your health.

The technology I use, and the body processes and modalities I have mastered can access that bio-field and correct the information that lies within. Distortions and blockages occur in each of our bio-fields manifesting as issues spanning the whole spectrum from mental health to cancer, to migraines to Fibromyalgia and Lyme's disease. 

Is it time for a change?

Are you unhappy with your job or relationship? Do you feel tired or do you have pains and aches in your body? Are you unhappy with the way you look? Did any of the above sound familiar? What if YOU could change all that with ease?

Did you know that your points of view about life create your reality? Reality does not determine your point of view. Your points of view are creating what shows up in your life. The great thing is you have the ability to change your point of view about anything and by simply changing your point of view and then your reality and your life will start to show up differently.

Sounds too simple? Are you interested in finding out how?

Your body often stores tension, emotion, and other residual energy that can hinder your ability to effectively change your life. Access Consciousness Bars and Body work with De Dee can unlock those patterns so that you can enjoy your body and life again.

Less pain. More energy. More freedom. More confidence. More Satisfaction.

What is Star Magic?

Star Magic frequency helps to accelerate a shift and growth in consciousness on the planet connecting all of us in the frequency of unconditional love united as one universal force.

I have added another playful and life-changing soul technology to my toolbox. It has been amazing in the transformation in several people.  Star Magic is like spiritual surgery… Finding the root of your trauma and replace it with a frequency that lifts and empowers you.  The greatest part is I will help you find the magic within you so that you can truly tap into your own potential and limitlessness.

Healing sessions could include:
Work on your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual body
Work takes place across all necessary realities
Relaxation and stress relief techniques
Accelerate healing
Dissolves dis-ease at the causal level
Strengthen intuition
Remove emotional Blocks
Uncover and release old patterns of self-limitation
Promote inner peace
Clear Karmic contracts, auras, unwanted energy cords
Create a robust, safe home and working environment

What is Access Consciousness?

Access Consciousness
Body Processes (Hands-on)

There are 65+ energies that facilitate within our bodies. Each process works in a different way to help our bodies heal themselves. By combining processes, we can facilitate change through any part of the body. A few of the process are:

  • MTVSS – considered the ‘tool of choice’ and works the entire body as well as specific things like the immune system and digestion

  • Cellular Memory – unlocks the effect of trauma on the body

  • Trifold Sequencing Systems – works with emotional trauma, shock and PTSD

  • DMMD – creates something new or uncreates something that shouldn’t be there

  • Square Root of Minus One – strengthens the immune system and unlocks all those places we’ve hidden from ourselves

  • Correcting Vision – works on helping the eyes back to better vision

  • Energetic Face Lift – gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body. The facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities.

  • Plus many, many more...

Access Consciousness BARS (Hands-on)

All our thoughts and feelings are stored as electromagnetic components in points of energy (or "BARS") in our head. By accessing the 32 BARS in your head, I can clear the clutter and allow your bars to process freely. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.

What can the BARS Change?

  • Anxiety/Depression/ADD/ADHD

  • TMJ/Headaches/Migraine Headaches

  • Chronic Pain/Neck Pain

  • Back Pain/Sciatica

  • PTSD

  • Addictions and more...

Products for Purchase

Avini Health - Natural Immune Defense and Cellular Health

Distributor packets available


A simple story of how X39® Stem Cell Activation Advanced Technology Patches work.  by: CEO David Schmidt

We’re here to help people feel better, look younger and lead more joyful lives. We do this through wellness products that tap into the body’s natural energy and resiliency, and through business opportunities that inspire personal and professional fulfillment.

Since 2004, LifeWave has helped people all over the world realize their greatest potential. Our patented, proprietary wellness products help to deliver more energy and stamina, mental acuity, better sleep, reduced stress, improved skin appearance, faster wound healing and an overall feeling of youthful vitality.

Our products also help people reduce body fat and decrease pain.

We believe our transformative products and flexible business opportunities can help you approach each day with more drive, focus, enthusiasm and passion. Because when you’re at your best, you experience the world differently and new possibilities open up all around you.

X39 supports healthy stem cell activity, which promotes healing, restoration, and rejuvenation in a completely non-invasive and safe way. By naturally elevating a copper peptide produced by the body, X39 boosts vitality and overall health and wellness. Turn back time with X39!!

whole body wellness plan, health, healing, awareness, wellness, self help, clearing statements, bioenergetics, natural healing, energy worker, access consciousness, access consciousness bars, infoceuticals, NES Health system

What is the Healy?

Isn’t it a great feeling to feel strong, active and healthy? A healthy body and mind means quality of life, after all.

Although the Healy is small, light and inexpensive, it has a lot to offer. It can harmonize your Bioenergetic Field to help balance your mind and body and improve your quality of life, and it can also give you an analysis of your energetic state and help you find ways to improve it. That’s why the Healy offers you IMF applications to help you stay fit, and harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. It is designed to support you in stressful situations during the day, help you recover more easily and find peace in the evening.

Healy is meant help you to increase your vitality to improve the flow of your energy reserves and to activate your energy reservoirs. Healy is a certified wearable that uses Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field. Healy offers you IMF programs for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field in the following areas:

Gold Cycle Sleep Protection Programs​
Mental Balance Skin, Beauty Job
Learning Fitness Meridians
Chakras Bioenergetic Balance

The Healy’s IMF programs can support you after just a 12-20 minute application, no matter where you are: playing sports, relaxing, at work, home, or on the go.

If you would like to purchase a Healy, you can click here. Contact me if you have any questions.

What is Cili By Design?

You thought you knew what CBD oil is all about? Well we just took it to a whole new level. Yesssss the healing properties of CBD Hemp oil are tremendous and in so many ways. Powerful.

We are about to “Change the way you See & Think about CBD Oil”. We are the Change-Makers & shifting the mindset in the space of DESIGNING health & wellness. Simply pushing innovation in a modern, unexpected way.
The Future of Nutrition is NOW.
Click for a short video that explains the Cili product.

Take a close look at how our Aquaceutical technology allows you to take CBD & nutrition efficiently to Bio Optimize the delivery. The evidence speaks for itself.  Not to mention how healthy it makes you feel. Click Here for Our Technology

Check out the testimonials after using the product.

Nature In, Synthetics Out

We harness the power of nature to unlock the human body, mind, and spirit's truest potential.
Toxins are dangerous for your body and can cause serious health problems. They can damage the cells in your body, making it harder for them to function properly. It’s important to avoid toxins as much as possible and make sure you’re getting rid of them regularly and be aware of the dangers of heavy metals and toxins and take steps to protect yourself from them.


I've been seeing De Dee for about 5 years now and she has helped me with emotional healing and spiritual guidance and to develop my own spirituality! I've called upon her services a lot with the time that I've known her. It amazes me every time just how strong her gifts are! I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for answers in life, whether it be health, love, relationships, business she does it all. She is such an amazing human I'm so thankful to know her! - Terra W. - Billings, MT

After testing positive for COVID over a week ago and feeling completely miserable with muscle and joint pain, upper respiratory symptoms, and fatigue I was more than willing to try anything to help alleviate some of the severeness of the body aches I was experiencing. Within as little as an hour after De Dee ran the Healy frequencies on me and asked me to try to relax and meditate I noticed a considerable difference in the reduction of pain especially in my legs. For the past nine days I was soaking in a hot bath up to 5 times a day to help alleviate the body aches. After the Healy session it was the first night in over a week I slept through the night and did not have to soak in hot water. It has been 3 days since my session. I am no longer taking over the counter pain relievers and I am totally free of my body aches. I am a strong advocate of holistic healing and it’s powerful benefits. De Dee is very knowledgeable and is a very caring and compassionate practitioner. - Mary J. - Reno, NV

"I recently had a session with De Dee. This was my first time receiving Access Consciousness and I had no idea what to expect. My session was incredibly healing and relaxing. I could feel all of the different levels of energy work that she was doing and it truly felt like she gave me a much needed reset on my soul level. De Dee is one of the most intuitive people I have ever met and picked up on things that I never told her about before our session. She really helped me work through some of the emotional issues I was going through at that time. I also went into the session suffering from sharp upper back pain that had been bothering me for a week and after my session that pain was completely gone as if it had never been there in the first place. De Dee is truly gifted and talented. I would recommend her to anyone who is in need of any sort of healing, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I can't wait for my next session with her!" - Tyler R. - Helena, MT

“De Dee Johnson's bio energetic treatments which now include, miHealth device, infoceuticals and Access Consciousness, are I feel, the medicine of the future on the cellular level for me and hopefully many others. I am so pleased to have De Dee on my personal health team. Her support in my health care through by aggressive cancer treatment of chemo therapy and radiation this past year has been a very large part of keeping me out of pain and allowing my attitude to remain positive during my fight against this hideous life changing disease. I give De Dee's hands-on energetic work the highest rating. I chose to marry traditional medicine with alternative health care because my oncologist and naturapathic physician were willing to work together. Couple that with physical therapy and energetics body work, I am proud to report, 1 year later, I am feeling back to my old, healthy self. De Dee was especially instrumental in helping over come the following side effects from chemotherapy and now my hormone block oral medication: neuropathy, a lymphedema flare-up, joint pain. Thank you De Dee Johnson of Top Notch Wellness. You are a healer. In deep appreciation.” - Kate R - Helena, MT

"I recently had a session with De Dee when my back was a out of place and was causing me pain that lasted all day. De Dee worked on me for about 45 minuets and I could tell right away that it was helping. She used the miHealth device and also did the Access Consciuosness BARS on me. By the next day it was so much better. The session was very relaxing and healing. I will definitely recommend her and I'm going to her again." - Kelsey E - Helena, MT

"De Dee has amazing insight to tune into your body and pinpoint issues. She really has a true gift and cares about her clients. I highly recommend her and her services!"    Lesley E - Helena, MT

"I went to see De Dee for a 1 hour Access Consciousness BARS session a couple of Fridays ago and it made a world of difference in my personal confidence level, ability to set healthier boundaries within my personal relationshjips and professional ones and made me more aware of how I’ve been neglecting my oral health --- which in turn impacts my overal health in a way I did not want. If you are in a place where you feel ‘stuck’ emotionally or professionally, then GO SEE De Dee! She is the Dynamic, Delightful and Jubilant De Dee Johnson! Love this girl!!" Liz L. - Helena, MT


What if every limitation you ever thought you had was simply a greatness that you couldn't yet recognize?